Your local Data Management Community in the National Capital Region

Job Postings

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  • Monday, September 12, 2022 14:19
    Message # 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This forum is used for contacts to share job postings with the community.

  • Monday, September 12, 2022 14:44
    Reply # 12916055 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    GC Data Community is Looking for enthusiastic Data Scientists for external recruitment info sessions. More info here.

  • Monday, October 17, 2022 14:11
    Reply # 12957089 on 12916023

    AS-05 Senior Data Governance Analyst 

    Deployment (offering)  

    Senior Data Governance Analyst (AS-05 at-level) at DND


    The Data Governance team within the Department of National Defence (DND) is growing!


    The global security environment has changed.

    The need for interoperability with allies is increasing.

    The pace of digital transformation is accelerating.


    The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and DND need to become data-driven and establish solid data foundations in order to keep pace with allies and stay ahead of adversaries.


    The Assistant Deputy Minister (Data, Innovation, Analytics) is the division responsible for transforming DND into a data-driven organization – to do that, sound data governance is required.


    The Data Governance team is a solid interdisciplinary team of data governance, data management and organizational analysts who are working to implement an enterprise-level data governance framework and ingrain a responsibility for data in DND/CAF.

    We’re looking for an at-level AS-05 (BBB profile) to join our team!

    Asset Qualifications:

    • Data management, data analysis or data governance experience;
    • Experience or proficiency with Microsoft SharePoint;

    We appreciate that skill sets are transferrable and that everyone brings something unique.


    Please forward your resume to Josée Boucher-Robertson at:

  • Wednesday, November 23, 2022 12:49
    Reply # 12999951 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Public Service Commission, in partnership with the GC Data Community, is launching a Data Science recruitment process. Deadline to apply is November 30th.

    1 file
  • Thursday, April 20, 2023 09:13
    Reply # 13174630 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Micro mission: Attention all analysts! Do you love doing qualitative research and analysis? Do you want the opportunity to do more?

    The description of the new posting is:

    The Office of the Chief Data Officer is looking for an enthusiastic, detail-oriented, qualitative-loving analyst to join us for a micro-mission. Your role would be to support the DG Task Team on Data and IT Infrastructure to understand issues related to understand IT needs and data tools within Health Canada. Your support would include organizing and running focus groups with science and non-science communities. You would also support in summarizing the findings and presenting the results. The micro mission would be for 8 weeks (with possible extension) starting on June 1, 2023.


    Le Bureau du dirigeant principal des données est à la recherche d’un analyste dynamique et minutieux qui aime les données qualitatives pour joindre son équipe dans le cadre d’une micromission. Cet analyste aura à aider l’équipe de travail du DG responsable des données et de l’infrastructure TI à comprendre les besoins en matière de TI au sein de Santé Canada. Il devra notamment organiser et guider des groupes de discussion auprès de communautés scientifiques et non scientifiques. Il aidera également à résumer et à présenter les conclusions des discussions. Cette micromission commencera le 1er juin 2023 et durera 8 semaines (possibilité de prolongation).

  • Thursday, June 01, 2023 11:01
    Reply # 13209211 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Information Officer | PM-02 (link only accessible within GC network)

    Closes June 12. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

    Regulatory Data Analyst | EC-04

    Closes June 15. Canada Energy Regulator (Calgary, Alberta).

    Data Community Analyst | EC-03 (link only accessible within GC network)

    Closes June 30. GC Data Community, Canada School of Public Service.

    Database Management Analyst | IT-02

    Closes August 16. GC Digital Talent - various departments.

    Technical Advisor or Team Lead, Database Management | IT-03

    Closes September 1. GC Digital Talent - various departments.

    Senior Advisor or Manager, Database Management | IT-04

    Closes September 1. GC Digital Talent - various departments.

  • Wednesday, June 28, 2023 16:34
    Reply # 13221316 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    EC-05 Analyst Opportunity – Policy, Partnerships and Science, Office of the Chief Data Officer at Health Canada (15 months)

    Are you a creative person who consistently delivers results? Do you thrive on making connections across organizations and jurisdictions? Are you a strategic communicator able to relay complex information to management, colleagues, and others? Do you have a passion for the possibilities of data to improve the lives of Canadians?  If yes, keep reading. We want to hear from you!






    The Health Canada (HC) Office of the Chief Data Office (OCDO) is seeking an experienced analyst at the EC-05 level to support the Policy, Partnerships and Science Division for a 15-month opportunity. The OCDO is advancing the HC Open Science Action Plan and the HC Data Strategy by implementing FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) through the development of an enterprise data inventory and standardized, machine actionable data management plans.




    By joining our team, some of your key tasks will include:

    1. Co-lead the development of standardized, machine actionable Data Management Plans (DMPs)
    • Liaise with departmental and interdepartmental stakeholders from across the GoC.
    • Coordinate the Health Canada pilot sessions.
    • Prepare supporting materials such as guidance document(s), live training modules, communications material, etc.
    • Draft policies for DMP usage and integration.


    1. Data Inventory
    • Support the Data Inventory team in leading client engagement sessions with branches across the department.
    • Prepare supporting materials such as guidance document(s), live training modules, communications material, etc.
    • Support on refining the data inventory.




    We are looking for an indeterminate GoC employee at the substantive EC-05 group and level. The right individual also has:

    • Ability to analyze data and information and communicate insights in a variety of written materials (e.g. briefing notes, decks, briefing materials, reports, etc.).
    • Experience in developing and maintaining relationships and partnerships with various stakeholders.
    • Ability to manage competing priorities with tight timelines and perform in a fast-paced environment. 
    • Ability to effectively use Sharepoint (and experience with other M365 apps).
    • Client-centered. Experiences with various analytical methods, and open to diverse views and approaches.
    • Advanced oral and written communicate skills. 

    As an added bonus, has:

    • Ability to use data visualization software such as Microsoft Excel and Power BI. 
    • Ability to use Microsoft Power Aps and Power Automate.
    • Knowledge of change management principles.
    •  Knowledge of research and scientific methods.

    If you are interested, please provide a one-page letter of introduction highlighting your: 

    • skills, knowledge and experience (feel free to be creative!)
    • suitability to the position 
    • substantive position 


    Send an email message to Derek Wade, Manager, Partnerships and Science, at by July 14th. 

  • Sunday, July 02, 2023 12:20
    Reply # 13222767 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Employment opportunities

    Data Science Officer | EC-02 (link only accessible within GC network)

    Closes July 7. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

    Application Developer and Database Specialist

    Closes July 14. National Research Council of Canada.

    Analyst | EC-05

    Closes July 14. Health Canada.

    Supervisor Configuration Management & Technical Data Management

    Closes July 17. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

    Database Management Analyst | IT-02

    Closes August 16. GC Digital Talent - various departments.

    Technical Advisor or Team Lead, Database Management | IT-03

    Closes September 1. GC Digital Talent - various departments.

    Senior Advisor or Manager, Database Management | IT-04

    Closes September 1. GC Digital Talent - various departments.

  • Tuesday, January 09, 2024 16:15
    Reply # 13299043 on 12916023
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Office of the Chief Data Officer at Infrastructure Canada is looking for candidates to fill a 10 month engagement as an EC-04/EC-05 in the Data Policy team to help implement our Data Strategy.


    The basic requirements are:

    -              Bilingual BBB or higher

    -              Post-secondary degree

    -              Willingness to obtain secret clearance

    -              Willingness to work in the office (downtown Ottawa or a satellite office) 40% of the time

    -              Ability to communicate/present, write/edit policy documents, decks, other materials

    -              Interest in Data Policy.


    Your CV must include:

    -              Your substantive level

    -              Whether you are term or indeterminate employee

    -              Your SLE language

    -              Your security level

    -              The substantive classification and level of your previous federal public service position(s)


    If this sounds like you, please email your resume to .


    Please note that assignments/secondments require the approval of the current manager.

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