In order that DAMA NCR-RCN may better achieve its purpose, the following Code of Ethics is adopted and applies to all members.
Abide by the By-Laws and Articles of Association of DAMA NCR-RCN
Honour the proprietary rights of their employers, DAMA NCR-RCN, DAMA International, or any other person or organization.
Perform activities with integrity and fairness.
Respect the rights of all individuals.
Not engage in any sales activity, including direct or indirect solicitation, or conduct any other activity contrary to the purposes or policies of DAMA.
Not distribute materials or post displays of any kind at the DAMA activities without the prior approval of the Committee.
Not engage in any form of personnel recruiting at or using DAMA facilities or resources.
Not use the DAMA’s name, developed materials, displays, symbols, or membership lists or any part thereof except in the conduct of DAMA business as determined by the Committee.
Not use recording devices to record a DAMA presentation without the prior permission of the speaker.
Not accept any discount or gift for personal gain to the detriment of DAMA’s reputation.
Thank you to our Sponsors for supporting our local data community!
DAMA NCR-RCN is vendor independent, not-for-profit professional association chapter under DAMA International